My $5 Epiphany

Two days ago I was walking across the stage at school accepting my nursing pin for graduation.  Today, I find myself reflecting back on the past three very chaotic years of my life - full time job, full time school, treasurer, task force, soccer, softball, snowboarding, and a good share of traveling.  For the past two days I have felt "weird", not bad, not good, just different.  Maybe this is what "free time" feels like?  I then found myself leisurely walking through the mall at my own pace.  I stumbled on a pair of classy shades with a stellar price tag of $5 dollars -- I thought, heck, why not!  I definitely did not regret the purchase, but I did find myself reflecting a bit more and thought, wow, I enjoy this non chaotic moment, I should try this more often. At the same time I thought -- but I don't want to spend the time and energy I have by consuming 'things'. So, it may be time for a change ...a challenge!  Which leads me to my own personal challenge that will begin on my 29th birthday.  A challenge outlined by David Bruno in his book: The 100 Thing Challenge.  I will limit the number of personal items to 100 for the duration of my 29th year in life.  Seeing how my birthday is in a month, I will need to start preparing immediately -- setting rules for myself and choosing those 100 personal items.  I know this will be difficult and I do not know what will become of this challenge, but I will know soon enough this upcoming year.



Living an uncluttered and simple life. Moving away from the attachment of material things. Understanding that living a frugal life does not equate to a dull one. Seeing the richness in life by doing away with unnecessary possessions, distractions, clutter, or waste. Click...


"i would rather have a mind opened by wonder than closed by belief." Gerry Spence. Thinking openly and embracing new ideas. Letting go of control, experiencing changes, making yourself vulnerable, making mistakes, strengthening yourself, gaining confidence, and being honest. For some, being open-minded is easy and for others, a challenge; the effort is well worth the benefits. Positively Present...


“The most important thing you can do to achieve your goals is to make sure that as soon as you set them, you immediately begin to create momentum. The most important rules that I ever adopted to help me in achieving my goals were those I learned from a very successful man who taught me to first write down the goal, and then to never leave the site of setting a goal without first taking some form of positive action toward its attainment.” Tony Robbins. Explore...